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Lorsque de mystérieux vaisseaux venus du fond de l’espace surgissent un peu partout sur Terre, une équipe d’experts est rassemblée sous la direction de la linguiste Louise Banks afin de tenter de comprendre leurs intentions. Face à l’énigme que constituent leur présence et leurs messages mystérieux, les réactions dans le monde sont extrêmes et l’humanité se retrouve bientôt au bord d’une guerre absolue. Louise Banks et son équipe n’ont que très peu de temps pour trouver des réponses. Pour les obtenir, la jeune femme va prendre un risque qui pourrait non seulement lui coûter la vie, mais détruire le genre humain…

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Commentaires (2)

  1. Avatar de Tesha
    Tesha Tuesday, April 20, 2021

    Hope you and your family are safe and well. I work for Editorial PR based here in London. We have a client that is potentially looking for coverage on your site. Do you provide article-based promotion at all for clients? If you do, it would be great to work with you. We are also always looking for ways to increase our customers visibility online so if you have any other sites you think our clients would be interested in advertising on, we would love to see them. I am currently working on a rolling 25-day budget so if you could come back as soon as possible with your terms of business it would be appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you Kind Regards,

  2. Avatar de Karissa
    Karissa Thursday, August 26, 2021

    Hope you and your family are safe and well. I work for Editorial PR based here in London. We have a client that is potentially looking for coverage on your site. Do you provide article-based promotion at all for clients? If you do, it would be great to work with you. We are also always looking for ways to increase our customers visibility online so if you have any other sites you think our clients would be interested in advertising on, we would love to see them. I am currently working on a rolling 25-day budget so if you could come back as soon as possible with your terms of business it would be appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you Kind Regards,

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